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To schedule a massage with me, Kelly Simons LMT, please scroll down to select your preferred massage modality and duration at a time that best suits you. You’ll need to complete a brief Medical Intake Form to the best of your knowledge with each online appointment request.

Massages are available from Tuesday to Friday only. Evening appointments fill up quickly, so it's best to schedule those in advance. Saturday sessions are reserved for existing clients only and are handled on a case-by-case basis. Unfortunately, I cannot accept additional weekend clients moving forward.

Please allow up to 5 business days for me to review your appointment request. Once approved, you will receive an "ACCEPTED" confirmation email. Appointment requests may be declined for reasons such as: incomplete intake forms, medical contraindications, client needs exceeding my scope of practice, I am overbooked, or if a client is disrespectful. If my services don't align with your needs, I’d be glad to refer you to another LMT.

Massage therapy is a physically demanding profession, so I appreciate your understanding if I need to reschedule your session. Injuries can occur when therapists are overworked. You may cancel/reschedule appointments up to 24 hours before your 60 or 90 minute service without pentalty, or up to 48 hours before the 2 hour service.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!

-Kelly Simons LMT-